Cardiac Tamponade

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Cardiac tamponade is a medical or traumatic emergency that happens when enough fluid accumulates in the pericardial sac compressing the heart and leading to a decrease in cardiac output and shock. The diagnosis of cardiac tamponade is a clinical diagnosis that requires prompt recognition and treatment to prevent cardiovascular collapse and cardiac arrest. The treatment of […]

Cardiac Tamponade From Pericarditis

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The pericardium is a membrane surrounding the heart. It comprises an outer fibrous pericardium and an inner double-layered serous pericardium. Serous pericardium includes visceral layer and parietal layers, separated by the pericardial cavity containing 15 to 50 ml of plasma ultra-filtrate in healthy people. The pericardium mechanically protects the heart.  Pericardial diseases present as acute […]

Flail Chest

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Introduction Flail chest is a traumatic condition of the thorax. It may occur when 3 or more ribs are broken in at least 2 places. It is considered a clinical diagnosis as everybody with this fracture pattern does not develop a flail chest. A flail chest arises when these injuries cause a segment of the […]

Basilar Skull Fracture

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Basilar skull fractures, usually caused by substantial blunt force trauma, involve at least one of the bones that compose the base of the skull. Basilar skull fractures most commonly involve the temporal bones but may involve the occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, and the orbital plate of the frontal bone as well. Several clinical exam findings highly predictive […]

Subdural Hematoma

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A subdural hematoma forms because of an accumulation of blood under the dura mater, one of the protective layers to the brain tissue under the calvarium.  The understanding of subdural hematoma relies on the knowledge of neuroanatomical sheets covering the brain. The brain is the central repository of delicate neural tissue. This network of neurons […]

Epidural Hematoma

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An epidural hematoma (EDH) is an extra-axial collection of blood within the potential space between the outer layer of the dura mater and the inner table of the skull. It is confined by the lateral sutures (especially the coronal sutures) where the dura inserts. It is a life-threatening condition, which may require immediate intervention and […]

Penetrating Head Trauma

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Penetrating brain injury (PBI) is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) which is a significant cause of mortality in young individuals. PBI includes all traumatic brain injuries other than blunt head trauma and constitutes the most severe of traumatic brain injuries. Etiology Based on the speed of penetration, it can be classified into two categories: High-velocity […]

Hyperbaric Therapy For Burns

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Introduction Thermal burns are common in the United States, and approximately 2 million people are injured every year, with about 155 per million patients needing admission to a hospital, and 6500 cases resulting in death. Burns are complex and dynamic injuries that cause profound activation of platelets and white cells, destruction of the microvasculature by coagulation […]

Electrical Burns

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Electrical injuries occur when high-energy current travels through the body due to contact with an electrical source. Injuries occur due to either the flow of current through the body, arc flash, or clothing that catches fire. With the former two, the body converts electricity to heat, which results in a thermal burn. It is important […]

The Brain Is Still In Charge

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The Autonomic Nervous System The autonomic nervous system controls specific body processes, such as blood circulation, digestion, breathing, urination, heartbeat, etc. The autonomic nervous system is named so because it works autonomously, i.e., without a person’s conscious effort. The primary function of the autonomic nervous system is homeostasis. Apart from maintaining the body’s internal environment, it […]

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