More Oxygen Delivery Devices

Published in AEMT, EMT. Tags: , .

Partial Rebreather Mask Delivers oxygen concentrations between 60% to 80%. Partial Rebreather Mask does not have a valve covering the oxygen enrichment bag thus allowing the patient to re-breathe some exhaled gases.   Flow rate is adjusted to keep the bag inflated (just like a non rebreather mask) but expect between 10 – 15 lpm. Tracheostomy […]

Time To Clear The Air

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Air Is A Type of Fluid When most people hear the word “fluid,” they usually think of liquid. However, gasses, like air, are also fluids. Fluids take on the shape of their containers. Fluids generally do not resist deformation when even the smallest stress is applied, or they resist it only slightly. We call this […]

Problems With Ambient Air

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Problems with ambient air can cause a patient to inexplicably experience shortness of breath. Imagine a situation where a patient is struggling to breathe but there is no history of medical problems. Perhaps the patient’s problem is the ambient air. Various situations that affect ambient air can result in hypoxia: Enclosed Spaces – Carbon dioxide […]

A Complete Guide To Pulse Oximetry

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At georgiaemsacademy, we teach that patients who are not alert may need positive pressure ventilation and that patients with rapid respiratory rate or demonstrated work of breathing need oxygen via non rebreather mask. It’s easy to keep things that simple if you are primarily looking at ventilation as all one has to do is count […]

Signs of Inadequate Ventilation

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If we’ve said it once, we have said it a million times. People that need to be ventilated (with a bag valve mask) are, for the most part UNCONSCIOUS, or minimally not alert. The vast majority of time, a person who is just having shortness of breath will not let you bag them (try as […]

Dying Doesn’t Always Come Easy

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With Hypoxia, The Cell Goes To Plan B Hypoxia is a physiological cue that impacts diverse physiological processes, including energy metabolism, autophagy, cell motility, angiogenesis, and erythropoiesis. One of the key cell-autonomous effects of hypoxia is as a modulator of cell proliferation. For most cell types, hypoxia induces decreased cell proliferation, since an increased number […]

How People Die: Obstructive Shock

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Less Going In Means Less Going Out The pipe is under constant pressure, but what happens to the water when a big chunk of ice forms and blocks the pipe? The incoming flow will be obstructed, limited the amount of water the pipes will deliver. The same thing happens when an obstruction occurs in the […]

How People Die: Asphyxia

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Asphyxia or asphyxiation is a condition of deficient supply of oxygen to the body which arises from abnormal breathing. Asphyxia causes generalized hypoxia, which affects primarily the tissues and organs. There are many circumstances that can induce asphyxia, all of which are characterized by the inability of a person to acquire sufficient oxygen through breathing […]

The Life Cycle of Energy Produced By Cells

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Cellular Respiration is the process used by animal cells to convert nutrients to energy (ATP), and then to release waste, such as CO2. Photosynthesis is the process that plants cells use to convert light, water, and carbon dioxide to energy, and then to release waste in the form of oxygen and glucose.  All Living Things Require […]

How Cells Work

Published in AEMT, EMT. Tags: , .

The cell is the fundamental organizational unit of life. All living things are composed of cells, which then further subdivide based on the presence or absence of the nucleus, into two types: eukaryotic cells – these cells are present in all the human, animal and plants with a clear, distinct nucleus. Prokaryotic cells are some bacteria and blue-green algae […]

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