More Oxygen Delivery Devices

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Partial Rebreather Mask

Delivers oxygen concentrations between 60% to 80%. Partial Rebreather Mask does not have a valve covering the oxygen enrichment bag thus allowing the patient to re-breathe some exhaled gases.   Flow rate is adjusted to keep the bag inflated (just like a non rebreather mask) but expect between 10 – 15 lpm.

Tracheostomy Mask

Mask is applied over the tracheostomy to administer oxygen. Minimal flow rate is 4 lpm to prevent rebreathing of carbon dioxide.

Venturi Mask

With the Venturi mask system, oxygen inflow is connected to a specific color-coded entrainment device at the base of the mask that provides a specified fraction of inspired oxygen at a set oxygen inflow rate. Various entrainment devices can provide a specified fraction of inspired oxygen and a total flow delivered to the patient (including entrained air) of 35 to 45 l/min. If the patient’s peak inspiratory flow exceeds this total flow, a lower fraction of inspired oxygen is inspired. The Venturi mask is ideal for a patient with COPD who has a low to moderate oxygen requirement but is at risk for hypercarbia with uncontrolled oxygen therapy.


Medical humidifiers are used to humidify supplemental oxygen. Smaller and generally part of an oxygen therapy system, these humidifiers provide comfort for patients in situations where the medical oxygen being delivered might be too dry to breathe. As dry air can irritate the throat and sinuses, medical humidifiers provide long-lasting moisture and comfort.

Humidifiers, particularly medical ones, are designed to produce and disperse water vapor, adding moisture to oxygen and restoring healthy levels of humidity. For example, when using medical oxygen, the continual passage of air through your nose and sinuses will create a very dry environment over time. Humidifiers can neutralize the damaging effects of dry air on sinuses and lungs. In the home, humidifiers can counteract any moisture-evaporating effects from heaters and more. In addition to relieving congestion and other respiratory problems, humidifiers help eliminate the static electricity that produces shocks, makes clothes clingy, and flattens hair.

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