How People Die: Chest Trauma

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Impaired Cardiac Output As a general rule, chest trauma of any sort increases the pressure in the thoracic cavity. This is evident by the typical finding of jugular vein distention. The jugular veins empty into the vena cava, but when the pressure in the chest is higher than normal it applies pressure to the vena […]

Chest Trauma

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Introduction Thoracic trauma accounts for up to 35% of trauma-related deaths in the United States and encompasses a broad range of injuries that can cause significant morbidity and mortality.  Prompt evaluation during the primary trauma survey is key to identifying those injuries that are immediately life-threatening and require rapid intervention. Thoracic trauma is broadly categorized by mechanism into blunt or […]

Bleeding Control

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Researchers have studied whether laypeople realize the severity of the situation when someone in their proximity begins to bleed, and whether they can estimate how much the person is bleeding. The results show a discrepancy related to the victim’s gender: for a woman losing blood, both blood loss and life-threatening injuries were underestimated.  Despite appearances, […]

Understanding Field Triage of Injured Patients

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The Purpose Of The Field Triage Of Injured Patients Trauma centers provide a host of immediately available care by trained specialists around the clock. The care received by patients is of the highest quality, despite their ability to pay. Hospitals with trauma centers cannot affordably be placed in every hospital or even every region. Depending […]

Bones & Muscles

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Bones Bones are often thought of as static structures which only offer structural support. However, they truly function as an organ. Like other organs, bones are valuable and have many functions. Besides providing shape to the human body, bones permit locomotion, motor capability, protect vital organs, facilitate breathing, play a role in homeostasis, and produce a […]

Vaginal Bleeding

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Not to overstate the obvious, a gynecological complaint should be conducted as discrete and respectful as possible. Notwithstanding, the medics need to investigate the patient’s complaint. Assess the following: Assess for abdominal pain – Like all abdominal pain, the most logical question is to ask is the location of the pain. Given that the abdominal […]

Kidney Problems

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Kidney (Renal) Failure The kidneys, each just the size of a computer mouse, filter all the blood in the body every 30 minutes. They work hard to remove wastes, toxins, and excess fluid. They also help control blood pressure, stimulate production of red blood cells, keep bones healthy, and regulate blood chemicals that are essential […]

Sickle Cell Crisis

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The problem is that the patient’s red blood cells are misshapen and are prone to clumping together, creating blood flow problems. These blood flow problems are referred to as a vaso-occlusive crisis. Patients present with moderate to severe pain, which has variable intensity and frequency. Young children can have severe pain and swelling of both […]

Sickle Cell Disease

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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen. Healthy red blood cells are round, and they move through small blood vessels to carry oxygen to all parts of the body. In someone who has SCD, the hemoglobin is abnormal, which […]

The Life Cycle Of A Red Blood Cell

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Blood has been called the river of life, transporting various substances that must be carried to one part of the body or another. Red blood cells are an important element of blood. Their job is to transport oxygen to the body’s tissues in exchange for carbon dioxide, which they carry to the lungs to be […]

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