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Glucagon is a polypeptide hormone commonly used in the treatment of severe hypoglycemia. It is FDA approved for the treatment of severe hypoglycemia. Severe hypoglycemia is a life-threatening event treated with oral carbohydrate intake, IV glucose, or glucagon by various routes. Glucagon has attractive traits in the diabetic population due to its simplicity of use and […]


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Indications Epinephrine is one of the most commonly used agents in various settings as it functions as medication and hormone. It is currently FDA-approved for various situations, including emergency treatment of type 1 hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, induction, and maintenance of mydriasis during intraocular surgeries and hypotension due to septic shock.  Off-label uses of epinephrine include, […]

Dextrose 50% in Water

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The use of a 50% dextrose (d50) solution is a common medical treatment for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). A 50% dextrose solution is also known as a “d50” or “d50W” solution. D50 is a 50% solution of dextrose in water. It is used when glucose is needed for energy but the body cannot use glucose properly. D50 […]


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Salicylates have been available since the early 1900s. Salicylates have been derived from the willow tree bark. The Sumerians were noted to have used remedies derived from the willow tree for pain management as far back as 4000 years ago. Hippocrates used it for managing pain and fever. He even utilized tea brewed from it for pain […]


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Albuterol is used for the treatment and prevention of bronchospasm (acute or severe) in patients with reversible obstructive airway disease. It also has an indication for the prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm. Indications Albuterol, also known as salbutamol, has an indication for the treatment and prevention of bronchospasm (acute or severe) in patients with reversible obstructive […]

Special Patients

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Hearing Impaired Patient’s with hearing problems can be extremely challenging to the ambulance crew that probably doesn’t know sign language. For the most part, hearing impaired patients are independent and are often alone. Increasing speaking volume typically does nothing to help the situation. Many hearing impaired patients can read lips so it is important to […]

Do Not Resuscitate

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End-of-Life discussions or advance care planning (ACP) with family and primary care providers can be challenging, but they are necessary to maintain patient autonomy and reach a well-informed decision.  Studies have shown that less than 30% of survey participants have an advance directive. Most individuals with advance directives share similar characteristics: chronic illness, regular access […]


Published in AEMT, EMT. Tags: .

Most Americans prefer to die at home or in a home-like setting, yet over 30% die in acute care hospitals.  Seriously ill patients often state preferences for receiving adequate pain and symptom management, avoiding inappropriate prolongation of dying, achieving a sense of control, and strengthening their relationships with their loved ones.  Similarly, caregivers want their loved […]

Pediatric Gastrointeritis

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Gastroenteritis in the pediatric population is a very common disease that could be lethal. It accounts for around 10% of pediatric deaths, estimating 70 million deaths per year around the globe making it the second cause of death worldwide. The most common cause in infants younger than 24 months old is rotavirus, after 24 months of […]

Pediatric Foreign Body Aspiration

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Children commonly swallow foreign bodies. Coins are the most commonly swallowed foreign body that comes to medical attention in the U.S.; in other countries, those related to food, such as fish bones, are most common.  Preschoolers of both sexes, adolescent boys, and children with mental health issues are at the highest risk. Even infants may […]

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