Early Adulthood

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Having trouble leaving the nest? Don’t worry, Mama Army is always there for you.

Peak physical conditioning is attained by age 19 to 26 years old. During this time, the young adult is developing lifelong habits and routines. All body systems are working at optimal performance. If there is a chink in the armor it is the higher likelihood of death by accident than any other age group probably due to a combination of feeling invincible and thinking like a child. It’s not easy starting out as an adult, which is why the early adult (at least one that enters the workforce) is experiencing very high levels of stress. Things are tough when starting out, but this is also when the adult is capable of forging a connection through romantic and affectionate love. As a result, babies are conceived (intentionally or unintentionally).

The best part of being between 20 and 40 years old (besides all romantic and affectionate love) is a distinct lack of mental illness. This age group is experiencing the biggest life changes of their life because they are physically and psychologically capable of dealing with it all.

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