Skeletal System

Published (updated: ).


Illustration mapping cranial bones

Cranial Bones

  • Parietal (2)
  • Temporal (2)
  • Frontal (1)
  • Occipital (1)
  • Ethmoid (1)
  • Sphenoid (1)

Illustration mapping out the different types of facial bones

  • Maxilla (2)
  • Zygomatic (2)
  • Mandible (1)
  • Nasal (2)
  • Platine (2)
  • Inferior nasal concha (2)
  • Lacrimal (2)
  • Vomer (1)

Illustration mapping the bones of the vetebral column

Vertebral Column

  • Cervical vertebrae (7)
  • Thoracic vertebrae (12)
  • Lumbar vertebrae (5)
  • Sacrum (1)
  • Coccyx (1)

Pectoral girdles

  • Clavicle (2)
  • Scapula (2)

Illustration mapping the bones of the upper extremity

Upper Extremity

  • Humerus (2)
  • Radius (2)
  • Ulna (2)
  • Carpals (16)
  • Metacarpals (10)
  • Phalanges (28)

Illustration mapping the bones of the pelvic girdle

Pelvic Girdle

  • Coxal, innominate, or hip bones (2)

Illustration mapping the bones of the lower extremety

Lower Extremity

  • Femur (2)
  • Tibia (2)
  • Fibula (2)
  • Patella (2)
  • Tarsals (14)
  • Metatarsals (10)
  • Phalanges (28)
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