Infection Control Situational Awareness Made Easy with CLOSE

Published (updated: ).

Stay alert, stay alive

As the EMS crew nears the patient, the likelihood of contracting a contagious disease increases with each step.

Proximity(ft)ObservationAppropriate PPE
10CoughWear mask, goggles, gloves
5LiquidsWear gloves
5OdorWear gloves
1StorySuspicious story? Wear everything
1Elevated TempWear everything
The key to minimizing infection is to maintain situational awareness.

Gowns should be worn at any scene that is extremely bloody or messy. Gowns are worn over the uniform (which provides some limited protection from bodily fluids) to act as a barrier. Putting on a gown is easy. Taking off a gown requires a partner to help you take it off without contaminating the uniform underneath.

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